We are so excited to provide Vacation Bible School this year!
Please click here to go to our registration form.
Please click here to go to our registration form.
Come celebrate Vacation Bible School with us at
Living Water Church!
VBS kick-off Sunday is scheduled for June 27, 2021. Join us at our 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, in person or online (on vimeo.com/livingwaterefc, on Facebook, or right here on our website) to join the party!
Sunday, 6/27/2021, 10:30 a.m.
Living Water Church!
VBS kick-off Sunday is scheduled for June 27, 2021. Join us at our 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, in person or online (on vimeo.com/livingwaterefc, on Facebook, or right here on our website) to join the party!
Sunday, 6/27/2021, 10:30 a.m.
Living Water Evangelical Free Church's Vacation Bible School 2020, Wilderness Escape, featuring The Way™ Youth Group
What are we doing for VBS 2021?
Our theme this year is Party Fit for a King, which is based on several Bible stories about parties, including the Parables of the Great Feast, the Prodigal Son, and more. Did you know that God is the one who created fun, laughter, and parties? He's also the one who throws the best parties, and the biggest one we're looking forward to will be when Jesus comes back and we get to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb. In the mean time, God is giving us many excellent gifts and reasons to celebrate. Join us for VBS this year and celebrate the many good gifts from God, especially His Son, Jesus!
You can REGISTER NOW for VBS 2021 by clicking here!
incentive for previous KC or VBS attendance?
When is VBS 2021 at Living Water?
Vacation Bible School is June 28 - July 1st, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We'll kick off VBS week during our regular Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. June 27th, and wrap up VBS week with a outdoor celebration meal (along with some fun surprises!) following the regular Sunday Worship Service in July 4th.
Monday - Wednesday nights will be outdoors, on the Living Water Church campus, just west of Oskaloosa, KS on K92, and we'll be livestreaming our opening Party each of those nights. There's a rumor that there may even be some fireworks after Wednesday night's party, so stay tuned for more information! Thursday night will be the annual ice cream and pool party at the Oskaloosa City Park and Pool (next to Oskaloosa High School).
What if I still have questions?
We would love to answer any questions you might have about VBS, or our church!
Please feel free to call the church office at 785-863-9260. If a staff member isn't available when you call, please leave a message and we'll call you back.
If you'd like more information about Vacation Bible School, please email [email protected]
If you'd like more information on our church, please email [email protected]
If you'd like to request prayer, please email [email protected]
Our theme this year is Party Fit for a King, which is based on several Bible stories about parties, including the Parables of the Great Feast, the Prodigal Son, and more. Did you know that God is the one who created fun, laughter, and parties? He's also the one who throws the best parties, and the biggest one we're looking forward to will be when Jesus comes back and we get to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb. In the mean time, God is giving us many excellent gifts and reasons to celebrate. Join us for VBS this year and celebrate the many good gifts from God, especially His Son, Jesus!
You can REGISTER NOW for VBS 2021 by clicking here!
incentive for previous KC or VBS attendance?
When is VBS 2021 at Living Water?
Vacation Bible School is June 28 - July 1st, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We'll kick off VBS week during our regular Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. June 27th, and wrap up VBS week with a outdoor celebration meal (along with some fun surprises!) following the regular Sunday Worship Service in July 4th.
Monday - Wednesday nights will be outdoors, on the Living Water Church campus, just west of Oskaloosa, KS on K92, and we'll be livestreaming our opening Party each of those nights. There's a rumor that there may even be some fireworks after Wednesday night's party, so stay tuned for more information! Thursday night will be the annual ice cream and pool party at the Oskaloosa City Park and Pool (next to Oskaloosa High School).
What if I still have questions?
We would love to answer any questions you might have about VBS, or our church!
Please feel free to call the church office at 785-863-9260. If a staff member isn't available when you call, please leave a message and we'll call you back.
If you'd like more information about Vacation Bible School, please email [email protected]
If you'd like more information on our church, please email [email protected]
If you'd like to request prayer, please email [email protected]