First Time Guests
We know that visiting a church for the first time can be stressful. We also know that you probably have a lot of questions for us before you visit. Here are some answers to questions we've asked before visiting a new church. We hope these answers help you, too! If you have any further questions, please contact the church office at (785) 863-9260 or at [email protected].
What will we do?
When you enter the sanctuary, you may be greeted by various people. This is a friendly church, and we'd love to get to know you! You are also welcome to sit and prepare your heart for worship or pray, if you don't want to chat. Before the service begins at 10:30, we play several songs and show a slideshow of current announcements.
We begin our services with announcements, and an opportunity to greet one another, followed by music. Our worship music ranges from the newest songs and choruses to some of the oldest hymns of our faith.
After the first musical set, we have our offering, which we do by passing offering baskets. This is to take time during the service to acknowledge financial giving as an act of worship. If you're visiting, we don't want you to feel that you are obligated to participate. If you choose to contribute, please be assured that the leadership of our church prayerfully directs the church funds.
After the offering, we have another musical set, then a moment of teaching or information. After that, our Lead Pastor Dave Ballast delivers a sermon, or one of our elders will preach in his absence. Most Sundays (2nd-5th Sundays of each month), we offer children's church during the sermon, where children from 5 years old to 5th grade can learn about God in a way that is more tailored to their abilities to understand. Our entire service lasts about an hour and a half.
The first Sunday of every month is a Communion Sunday, when we join with the saints around the world and throughout the ages in celebrating the Lord's Supper. If you believe in Jesus you are welcome to join us in receiving communion elements, even if you are not a member of Living Water Church. Our elements consist of individual cups of grape juice and wafers. Communion Sunday is also a family worship Sunday, so there will not be children's church offered during the sermon.
What should I wear?
We believe that God is much more concerned with your heart than your outward appearance. On Sundays there will be people in attendance wearing everything from their Sunday best to jeans. We want you to feel comfortable to come as you are.
Where should my kids go?
We have excellent programming for kids - infants through high school. Our nursery and student ministry areas are upstairs (the stairwell is located just inside the main entrance on the east side of the building). Our primary children's (Kindergarten through 6th grade) discipleship focus is Kids Club. Youth Group is our primary discipleship focus for 7th through 12th graders. Please see our Student Ministries page to see current children's discipleship programs.
What about nursing mothers, crying children, or special needs individuals?
We have an area upstairs in the Student Ministry center set up with closed circuit access to our service, where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. If you need assistance, please let us know!
What will we do?
When you enter the sanctuary, you may be greeted by various people. This is a friendly church, and we'd love to get to know you! You are also welcome to sit and prepare your heart for worship or pray, if you don't want to chat. Before the service begins at 10:30, we play several songs and show a slideshow of current announcements.
We begin our services with announcements, and an opportunity to greet one another, followed by music. Our worship music ranges from the newest songs and choruses to some of the oldest hymns of our faith.
After the first musical set, we have our offering, which we do by passing offering baskets. This is to take time during the service to acknowledge financial giving as an act of worship. If you're visiting, we don't want you to feel that you are obligated to participate. If you choose to contribute, please be assured that the leadership of our church prayerfully directs the church funds.
After the offering, we have another musical set, then a moment of teaching or information. After that, our Lead Pastor Dave Ballast delivers a sermon, or one of our elders will preach in his absence. Most Sundays (2nd-5th Sundays of each month), we offer children's church during the sermon, where children from 5 years old to 5th grade can learn about God in a way that is more tailored to their abilities to understand. Our entire service lasts about an hour and a half.
The first Sunday of every month is a Communion Sunday, when we join with the saints around the world and throughout the ages in celebrating the Lord's Supper. If you believe in Jesus you are welcome to join us in receiving communion elements, even if you are not a member of Living Water Church. Our elements consist of individual cups of grape juice and wafers. Communion Sunday is also a family worship Sunday, so there will not be children's church offered during the sermon.
What should I wear?
We believe that God is much more concerned with your heart than your outward appearance. On Sundays there will be people in attendance wearing everything from their Sunday best to jeans. We want you to feel comfortable to come as you are.
Where should my kids go?
We have excellent programming for kids - infants through high school. Our nursery and student ministry areas are upstairs (the stairwell is located just inside the main entrance on the east side of the building). Our primary children's (Kindergarten through 6th grade) discipleship focus is Kids Club. Youth Group is our primary discipleship focus for 7th through 12th graders. Please see our Student Ministries page to see current children's discipleship programs.
What about nursing mothers, crying children, or special needs individuals?
We have an area upstairs in the Student Ministry center set up with closed circuit access to our service, where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. If you need assistance, please let us know!